After 2 years? I got G.E.R.D.

Wow, little did I know that I wasn’t able to post anything for the past 2 years. I am busy. I was lazy. I procrastinate, and sometimes, I am lazy (a repetition).

So, perhaps, after a full day of immersing myself in social media talks (went to a conference this morning), I realized, if others would want to do vlogs to express themselves, I would rather bank on my gentle fingers and the convenience of WordPress to serve as a sort of, extension of myself.

Just to give you an idea, I am writing this at 1:11am in the comfort of my hotel room here in Iloilo City. I am so sleepy at the moment, but it is quite unfortunate that I cannot enjoy a good night sleep as I am experiencing acid reflux at the moment. Had my Gaviscon already, but I am having this feeling of a block or lump in my chest, sort of a bubble wanting to get out or be expelled (I know, it may sound so gross especially if you are reading this just after a meal). Oh, by the way, I have Food Network as my background at the moment.

I’ve been experiencing this condition quite recently, and there is no one to blame but myself and my eating habits. Don’t get me wrong, while I do not really drink alcoholic beverages, but I am totally addicted to softdrinks – and I think, this is the main culprit. Well, in part, if not the main culprit, one of the many drinks which I indulged myself into – iced teas, juices, name it.

Now, I am down to only one drink – water. So you can just imagine what I feel everytime I see someone happily gulping his or her own soda, or iced tea. Man! That is pure torture.  Especially now that temperatures are increasing, it is almost difficult to say no to an ice cold soda or iced tea. When I was in Manila last Monday, I wasn’t able to resist myself to get hold of a cold grapefruit tea, and you can now guess what happened – a 2am trip to a pharmacy.

Now, I am slowly educating myself on what acid reflux is, or what constitutes G.E.R.D. (Gastroesophageal reflux disease). Unfortunately, this condition isn’t as simple as a fever or flu, treatment is far more complicated. I have Gaviscon handy, although, the agony of not being able to burp may still linger for awhile after taking Gaviscon. I had my ultrasound already and I do hope my current doctor (who does CST) can be able to put an end to my misery. But the end all be all (based from what I’ve read), is a total lifestyle change where I have to totally say no to pork, soda, juices, and any other “trigger” food.

I just wish I can be able to sleep now, calling other G.E.R.D. people there. Comment, ping me, let us share stories!


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